Return & Refund Policy

  1. Customersatisfaction is our watchword, and we are committed to ensuring that you are happy with your purchase.
  2. However, should you feel it necessary to return an item, please contact us by e-mail at [email protected].
  3. Please note we cannot replace any products that have been tampered with.
  4. Any returned products must be returned to us in the same condition as was sent, with all packaging intact.
  5. All refunds and reimbursements/exchanges will be arranged within 30 days of our acceptance after the safe receipt of the returned goods.
  6. Any product returned must be in its original packaging, contain the relevant paperwork, and be adequately packed to avoid any possible damage.
  7. The cost and risk of returning the product is to be borne by the customer and a proof of delivery service must be used. Confirm to us via e-mail at [email protected] that the return has been made before sending it to:  Share Bulk Harvest, No 701 Main Sail House, Mast Quay, London SE18 5BA.
  8. Share Bulk Harvest cannot be liable for any indirect or consequential loss or damage, error in product made in having the goods delivered to you or arising out of our supply, or failure to supply the goods to you.
  9. The delivery driver must be informed of breakages, shortages, or incorrect products at the time of delivery.
  10. Photographic evidence is required by our delivery driver if an item has been damaged during transit to you.
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